Welcome to all our new members and guests who attended our recent June Meeting. Although many people were away due to the long weekend, we still had another good turnout. Our feature presentation this month was a Q&A forum with a panel of horticultural experts. All sorts of questions were addressed from pest identification in roses, leaf disease identification, stunted growth, seed propagation and general recommendations for a range of gardening issues. It was a great interactive forum with the microphone making its way all around the hall.
We heard from Peter who updated us with club news and upcoming gardening shows and events; we heard from Faye who gave us some highlights of our recent bus trip to ‘The Shambles’ garden in Maleny; was introduced to Lee, the newest member of our club committee (yours truly); we modeled the new club shirts and David gave a brief talk on three of his wife Desleighs’ plants he had brought in for our Show and Tell segment. ‘Happy Birthday’ wishes to our June Birthday club members and congratulations to this months’ lucky door prize winners! Finally, a huge thank you to our panel members, who did a fantastic job answering everyone’s questions – Craig Jurd, John Craigie, Paul Smith and Heather Knowles. We shall be welcoming Heather back as the guest speaker for our July meeting (04/07/2015) where she will be presenting on Australian Natives in SE QLD. We look forward to seeing you then!