The Eucalyptus Curtisii, or Plunkett Mallee, is a small tree that is native to Queensland in Australia. It is a mallee eucalyptus that grows from 2 to 7 metres in height and has smooth, grey bark that peels in long strips.
The adult leaves are 6 to 13 cm long and 10 to 25 mm wide. It has prominent creamy-white flowers that appear in late spring. Its natural distribution is within a limited area in the south-east corner of Queensland.
The common name refers to Plunkett, which is a locality to the north of Mount Tamborine. The species was named by Densil Curtis who came across the tree while obtaining botanical samples within its range in 1923.
Club Function and Activities
The Glebe Garden Club (Ipswich) conducts its club functions on the first Saturday of every month commencing at 1.30 pm. While the program for each club function varies, the format revolves around a professional guest speaker speaking on a garden topic.
The program also involves helpful hints, gardening news, table of interest, question time, birthday club, lucky door prizes, and afternoon tea. One of the highlights of each club function is the fellowship experienced during magnificent afternoon teas.
Additionally, the success of the club is not limited to indoors, but also out-door activities. These outdoor activities are plant stalls, bus trips, visiting personal gardens and parks, Friendship Days with other clubs, and presenting horticultural displays at various shows.
The club has also taken on a project, in conjunction with Ipswich City Council, to re-furbish and re-open the “Queen’s Park Glass House” to the public. This has been completed and the glass house is once again open to the public.
Club Membership
The Glebe Garden Club is a large club existing of approximately 150 members. Which consists of three (3) types of membership as follows:
- Unfinancial Membership
- Financial Membership
- Honorary Membership
Club Funding
Entry to monthly club functions is $4.00 per person. However, this is dependent on whether members decide if they want to be either a “Financial Member” or an “Unfinancial Member”. The monthly entry fee for “Financial Members” becomes $2.00. To become a “Financial Member”, the annual joining fee is $10.00 per single or $15.00 a couple. Honorary membership is free.
Financial and Honorary Members are also put on the club’s “Birthday List” to receive a small gift on their birthday and other benefits/gifts as they happen.
Club Library
The Club has an extensive library with a huge variety of books/reference books, and magazines. The club continuously purchases gardening books, and subscribes to the following magazines:
- ABC Gardening Australia
- Organic Gardening
Most of the books, and all the magazines are available for club members to borrow free at each club function.
Unfortunately, the gardening reference books are not to be borrowed, but can be used by club members at club functions.
Table of Interest
The club conducts a “Table of Interest” as part of the program at monthly club functions.
Club members are invited to bring along a plant that they feel is something special to them and put it on display for everyone to see at club functions. The club member that conducts the “Table of Interest” shows and talks about every plant placed on the “Table of Interest”. This has proved to be a popular part of the club’s monthly functions.
Plant Stalls
A 12 x 3 metre green house is owned by the Glebe Garden Club providing plants for a variety of plant stalls as follows:
- A plant stall at every garden club function.
- Occasional plant stalls open to the public to raise funds.
- Door prizes for each monthly function.
Three (3) times a year, the club invites club members to have their own plant stall at a monthly function to sell plants. Each month this happens, members must notify the Secretary, as these stalls are limited to three (3) stalls due to space issues.