Glass House Project
The Glass House in Queens Park Ipswich shines again after being refurbished by the Ipswich City Council and re-stocked with plants by Glebe Garden Club (Ipswich).
The heritage listed building was restored to its former glory after several years of not being used. The Glebe Garden Club (Ipswich) is responsible for the re-stocking and maintaining of the plants, with regular working bees being conducted. This is carried out by an enthusiastic sub-committee on a rostered basis.
It is presently filled with thriving and colourful tropical and subtropical plants, as well as many local rare and endangered species. All plants are listed with their scientific and common names for the benefit of the public and collectors. It has become a haven of beauty! This work is continually on-going, and the Glass house is expanding all the time, with the help of those very dedicated club members.
We have been encouraged and delighted in receiving a variety of awards. Entries in the prestigious Ipswich City Council 2007 Awards for Excellence were successful for both the Home Gardeners Workshop and Expo and the Glass House in the Community Greening Category.
Additionally, a grant from the Australian Open Garden Scheme Community Grants was received to further the work being done with the Glass House. This was used to expand the plant range to include rare equatorial plants as well as heritage plants of our local area, which are suitable for glass house conditions.
The glasshouse has attracted several hundred local people and visitors to our city since its official opening on 19th November 2006 by the then Ipswich Mayor, Cr Paul Pisasale. This has included several Garden Clubs that have visited by bus.
The Glass House is open to the community on the third weekend of each month, both Saturday and Sunday from 12.00pm to 4.00pm, on Public Holidays and other days by appointment. Coaches and groups are very welcome.