Birthday Club

The Glebe Garden Club has two types of membership.......non financial members and financial members. While it is not compulsory to become a financial member, the bigger majority of members decide to become financial members.

Accordingly; the Glebe Garden Club has been operating a “Birthday Club” for a number of years. All club members renewing their membership fees automatically become recipients each year for a birthday gift from the club. This is equally the same for all new members paying their membership fees to become a financial club member.

The club carries several different birthday gifts enabling financial members having a birthday that month to select the gift. In addition to a birthday gift, the member also gets a discount voucher from Trevallan Lifestyle Centre (Brassall) who sponsors the Birthday Club.

The Glebe Garden Club does not keep purchasing the same gift when a particular product line runs out. The club continually tries to purchase different types of gifts so that members are not getting the same gift every year. Examples of previous, and current gift lines for financial members are shown below.