(Care of Noel Burdette Growing Gardeners)
Time for a Cuppa? well nearly …. since the rain , my Coffee bushes (Coffea Arabica) are putting on a delightful show of fragrant white flowers. Coffee plants are very underestimated for use in the home landscape as they will fit into most tight corners with absolute ease . Coffee are vertical growing shrubs to three meters and will grow in dense shade and equally in full sun…and everything in between! The foliage radiates out from a single trunk ( or sometimes multiple) and the creamy white ( perfumed) flowers spring forth from every leaf axil in tight clusters. They are drought hardy and resistant to pests and disease and are not overly fussy on soil type as long as it is free draining . You only need a good dose of patience as they are not the fastest of shrubs to grow , but are highly attractive and can make great privacy screens for inner city gardens . They can even be successfully grown in medium to large sized pots. Making coffee from the pods/beans/ seed is an intense task and will require several plants ( around 10) for a good, honest brew …but growing them purely for their beauty and perfume is a reward in itself. , so the decision will be in your hands …or should that be cup ? 😉