Some excellent Heliconia advice based on personal experience, from Ian Wintle, The Giving Garden. Ian and Judy have an open garden coming up (21 & 22nd Nov) – Well worth a look!
My Heliconia Struggle
In my imagination I pictured my garden with many beautiful Heliconia’s all in flower both upright and pendant; in my mind it was certainly going to be a beautiful sight.
Over a period of time we bought over 60 different varieties, being told that all the varieties we picked would perform in the Brisbane area. We spent up to $75 for some of the better plants. All that was left was to wait for the flowers to come.
Well, we waited and waited and eventually found that only certain varieties would flower here and even then some of those would not survive a cold winter and some were runners that would eventually take over the garden.
All in all it’s been a disappointing and expensive experiment.
So, here in Birkdale with poor soil and little water I can give you some recommendations based upon my experiences which Heliconia’s will grow, and believe me if these varieties can survive in my garden they will survive in any Brisbane garden.
Here are my recommendations:
I am not saying that given the right circumstances some of the ones that will not grow for me will not grow else where in Brisbane, given better soil than ours, plenty of water and a sheltered position they may do very well; all you can do is to keep trying. Hope this is of some help